What is acting in drama?

Some people believe that “Drama is any work designed to be presented by actors.” [8] But it is not general idea, because there is some people who think that the most important thing is Director, Play writing, Music and so on, but the fact is that the combination of these entire thing will make a good Drama. There always can be something or no, but I think actor is one of the most important parts of Drama that you cannot remove it.

Actor is the person who represents Drama. All the work of the writer, director and all the cast will be behind what actor will do on the stage. Ken Farmer, believe that Acting is Storytelling. “Storytelling is the oldest form of communication/education/healing in the history of mankind, dating back to the "storyteller" (the shaman) around the campfires of prehistoric or primitive villages.  The stories painted or drawn on the walls of caves in petro glyphs, on animal skins and in the oral tradition, were man's first form of education, communication, entertainment and healing, far predating the written word.” [9]

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