
Mohammad Khosravi
Master student in Creative Multimedia - E-Learning Technology, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Bachelor of Art in Drama-Acting, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran

These days Drama and Acting are two popular topics for the people. Some of the people are interested in Acting and the world of Drama, and some others are just following the news and gossip about this world. The thing which is important here is that this world of Drama has really deep effect on our life. There is no one in this world who doesn't watch movies, series or go to the theaters. The actors and movies are also affecting trends and may even change our life style.

However, even if this world is famous and looks attractive for a lot of people, the majority of them don’t know the real meaning of Drama and Acting. That is why, I want to make a digital media content about Drama and Acting to explain and clarify this concept. In this content I will discuss a little about what is Drama, Acting and the experience that I had in this field. Then I will go deeper for the people who want to come and work in this major and discuss about its difficulties and joys.

After that I will continue by answering to few questions related to the topic. In this content I will use mostly my knowledge and my experience about Drama and Acting, unless if I want to refer to a fact. This weblog will represent a good reference for those people who want to get information about Drama and especially about Acting. 

In this project, I am going to create a website to present the information and knowledge that I discussed about. It’s necessary to have such a digital media, because you can have the point of view, of a person who feel and has experience in this world. By doing so, you can try to find out if you are made or no for it. This weblog is also good and useful for the researchers who are looking for information about this topic. 

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