
As can be seen, Drama is an important topic that majority of people are interested on. I believe that the digital media content about Drama will be useful to keep the knowledge about Drama, history, how it works and so on. It can be the beginning of the new movement in digital world to mix with world of Drama. It can be the first step to make a deeper study in Drama, and even to use multimedia and technology to create new field in Drama and performing art. As a person who had background in Art and Drama, and currently studying in Creative multimedia, it was really good experience to discover how these two different world can work together.

However, as a performing artist who had experience in Drama, and also as a person who is working in Multimedia and technology, I can see a great opportunity for the future of these two filed. As this first step that I am going through encouraged me to discover more I hope that it did the same for the users of this website. My wish after this website is to do a lot of other new works or also help other to do them.  

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