My experiences

My interest in Drama and acting, started from my childhood. From the time that I was in secondary school and I decided to have a theater group and have few plays in the break time of the classes Rapidly, I became famous and even the teachers stop their teaching to ask me perform for them in the class. These experiences were the most important part of my life, because I was finding myself more and more in this field.

After two years, I participated to the happy carnival for International teenagers and kids film festival of Esfahan. On that period we had a group of people who go to the poor places of the city and perform and sing for them to bring the happiness for those people who could not join by being present to the film festival. After three years being member in this carnival I received an honor for my work as a member of this group from the head manager of the festival.

The most important part of my life in Drama happened when I joined the best acting class in Esfahan leaded by Mrs. Hajiyan (award owner of the best actress in the International festival of movies in Fajr (Iran) for the movie Ruban-e Quermez in 1999 which received the "Coquille d'or"  in the international Festival of movies in Saint-Sebastien).  I’ve succeeded in this class with a high grade (18.5/20). It was the best experience that I ever had in my educational part.

After finishing the high school diploma, I decided to study in Drama, so I did the test for the university and I was accepted in the Islamic Azad University of Arak for bachelor of Art in Drama-Acting. During 4 years of university I played in more than ten plays and I also had some other experience such as Director, Photographer, and Designer and so on. 

My first play in the university “Art” play, 2005 – Picture 6

In the beginning I started playing in some plays as a class project, until I had the opportunity to work with a huge group in big performance as final project of one of the student. It was one of the best performances that we had in the university and I had the opportunity to perform on that. It was a play called “This coming and going …” extract from RUMI’s poem. With this play we went to the theater festival of Islamic Azad University which was in Arak.

Practice of “This coming and going …” plays, 2006 – Picture 7

Performance of “This coming and going …” plays, 2006 – Picture 8

After this experience I had a lot of other offers from my friends but I decided not to work in different plays in the same time. It was what all the others were doing but I had this point as a rule in my mind and I will never break my rules. So I accept one of my friends work and I continue walking on the new way that came in my life. After Few works, I could find that some of my friends are closer to me so we decided to make a theater group with each other called “Chackad”. We performed a lot of plays and we also played for our other friends work.

 “Mistake” plays, work of Chackad theater group, 2007 – Picture 9

In my group most of the works were in group directing and all of us were playing on them. I also did the design of poster and brochure of these plays. Finally, I decided to be the individual director and have my own play. I find play writing from one of my friends and I started. It was really good experience that I had and I think the play was good too. On that play, most of my teachers were helping me and gave me advice.

Practice of “Scales of mincer” Play, my experience as a director, 2008 – Picture 10

In these four years I got a lot of experience and I had the best time in all my life. Working as an actor, director, designer, go for the festivals, help the teachers and work with them represent for me a real and rich experience. After four years, I needed to perform for my final project. I asked some of my friends who were working in the professional world of theater to help me in this. They bring me in a professional work with professional cast to act in their work. I was so excited to work with them. After two months of practice we performed it and I think that the best play that I have in my resume is this play. It was called “Alma’s improvisation” Play, Adaptation of UNESCO’s play writing.

Practice of “Alma’s improvisation” Play, my final project work, 2008 – Picture 11

 “Alma’s improvisation” Play, my final project work, 2008 – Picture 12

This was some of my experience that I shared with you, but in Drama world, whatever experience you have, you are still in the beginning. You have to work; try and not be scared of anything. You do not have to be addicted to anything in this world. If you want to be a good actor, live free. I cannot say in this work there is no difficulty, because it is one of the most difficult jobs in the world, but if you love it, you will always enjoy of doing it even in the most difficult situations. 

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